Pipe plugs

Sanikom Pipe Plugs
Name Single and multi size plugs Multi size plugs House testing plugs Larger flow plugs
Description They can be used in all types of pipelines. The range of products com- prises single-size plugs used for sealing pipes of one diameter and multi- size plugs. Superior plug surface pattern, proper choice of rub- ber compound, Rayon-Kevlar reinforce- ment, suitable length, low weight, excellent sealing ability, anti-cor- rosive components, a wide range of sizes and guar- anteed safety at work.

These plugs are suitable for testing tightness of plumbing and sewers with air or water in line with the European standard EN 1610. Their use is simple and all the work can be done from one inlet opening gully only.

These plugs cover the range from 100 to 1800 mm. Replaceable rubber sleeve and installed mate- rial do not corrode. They are reinforced with Kevlar cord and assure safe and simple handling.

Nominal size O mm from 25 to 300 from 40 to 1800 from 50 to 210 from 100 to 1800
Bypass Diameter from 1/8" to 2" from 1/2" to 4" Test valve Tip 26 from 2" to 8"



Sanikom Pipe Plugs
Name Egg shape plugs Multi-size plugs G and GM Pillow-type plugs Manholes testing plugs

The shape of first two siz- es is adjusted to the shape of a pipeline, while the larger three sizes are pil- low- shaped to simplify in- sertion through gullies.

These plugs are used for sealing and testing of pipelines and gas pipe- lines with a restricted inlet area.

Due to simple construction and high quality materials these plugs are light and flexible during use and storage. The larg est plugs for diameters upto2000mm canbeinserted through a standard gully of 600 x 600 mm.

Common size of gullies is 610 mm. For testing tightness of such gullies Sava offers a special plug distinguished for simple handling. The plug is relatively short and light, equipped with three eyelet bolts for simple ver- tical positioning of a plug during insertion proce- dure.

Nominal size O mm from 200 to 1350 from 50 to 500 from 50 to 210 from 600 to 2200
Bypass Diameter from 2" to 3" from 5mm to 7mm Test valve Tip 26 2"











Check out the instruction manuals sanidrum700for pneumatic plugs.


All Sanikom materials approved and in confirmance with all EU and Worldwide standards.